Alef Model Zero Ultralight Flying Car Prototype Shows How It Can Fly Over Parked Cars

Many drivers out there have probably wished they could let their car fly over others to avoid traffic. This seems like it can be a reality as Alef Aeronautics has recently demonstrated in its latest prototype.

In the company’s recent showcase, Alef shows off how their new Model Zero Ultralight flew over another vehicle that is stationary, offering a peek at what its future holds.

Alef’s Model Zero Ultralight Flies Over Cars in New Demonstration

Alef has shared a demonstration of its electric flying car prototype and how it can pass over a stopped car in a heavy traffic simulation. The demonstration features the new Model Zero Ultralight flying car prototype, says CNET, with the vehicle successfully showing how it can easily take off and land.

The company’s latest video shows the Alef flying car prototype lifting itself from the ground from a stationary position before it flew over another stationary car and then landing past that vehicle.

The latest lightweight prototype of the company is significantly lighter than its first Model A test vehicle, and it also sports thinner wheels to shed more mass, overall contributing to improved cruising.

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Traffic Jam? No Problem with Alef’s Flying Car Prototype

Alef Aeronautics

It remains unconfirmed as of writing how much range can the Model Zero Lightweight offer as it was equipped with a smaller battery, while the Model A boasts of a 200-mile driving range.

For now, the prototypes can only drive up to 25 mph because of regulatory limitations but will feature a cruising air speed of 100 mph that can reach a top speed of 225 mph.

The Future of Transportation: Flying Cars Are Real

Almost three years ago, Alef Aeronatics unveiled their grand plans to transform the world of transportation with its flying cars, introducing a new breed of hybrid vehicles that are both for the air and the road. Previously, cars were made to be amphibious, a feat that allows it to drive while being submerged in water, but the trend has changed since the rise of Vertical Take-Off and Landing (VTOL).

The company is focused on providing an electric-powered, clean energy experience, particularly on developing a road-drivable standard-looking car that can take flight anytime a driver wants it. Alef Aeronautics previously claimed that 2025 is their target year for its first deliveries.

After a long time since their development and testing, Alef received its airworthiness certification from the US Federal Aviation Administration in 2023, and the company has tested its developments to show that this dream can be a reality in the future.

The latest demonstration from Alef Aeronautics shows how its flying car can pass over other cars by overtaking them mid-air, with the Model Zero Ultralight prototype zipping past parked cars in heavy traffic situations now slowly becoming a reality.

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